People are most familiar with our Community-Based mentoring program, but did you know there are other ways to volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sister of Rhode Island, and have a positive impact in a child's life? Check it out below!

Community Based Mentoring
This program pairs young people, ages 7-14, with adult volunteer Mentors (at least 19 years old) in long-term, one-to-one relationships. Matches (Mentor/Mentee pairs) meet for 6-8 hours per month in the community. Participants are matched based on personality, common interests, Little's needs, and volunteer's strengths.

Big Couples
This variation of our traditional Community-Based mentoring allows a married or partnered couple to mentor together. Being in a Big Couples Match means you will be paired with a young person between the ages of 7 and 14.

Site Based Mentoring
This program connects adult volunteer Mentors with students needing support or encouragement in a supervised group setting at schools, businesses, or community sites. Sessions occur weekly or bi-weekly for at least one hour and include relationship building and facilitated activities based on provided curriculum. Mentorship takes place only in the supervised group setting.

Ready and Waiting
Mentoring program hosted at our headquarters in PVD, 1x/month pairing male Mentors with boys on our waitlist ages 10-14. We plan and facilitate all activities and provide refreshments. You have fun, empower a young person, and become part of a community!

Real Skills for Young Adults
Real Skills for Young Adults (RSYA) Program is a 10-month mentor and career readiness program for young people aged 15-25. The RSYA Program is different from a typical college and career readiness program because along with monthly educational meetings, one-on-one assistance for school and career opportunities, and connection to employment resources, the RSYA Program provides participants with the additional support of mentorship, giving young people the extra presence, attention, and encouragement they need to achieve their BIG futures.

Beyond School Walls
Beyond School Walls is a partnership between BBBSRI, Rhode Island businesses, and local elementary and middle schools to bring groups of their students out of the classroom and into the workplace. Curriculum is decided based on school needs and partner recommendations. Sessions will include activities and mentoring that will engage students in positive, empowering mentoring relationships, as well as excite them about learning and career exploration based on the curriculum-focus area.