During your clothing drive, ask friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, or other group members to collect donations of clothing, shoes, and fabric items like blankets, sheets, towels, and curtains (ripped and stained accepted as well as long as it's clean and odorless). The Donation Center Foundation of Rhode Island* will guide you through the process and provide marketing materials to maximize success!

A BIG Clothing Drive is an easy way for leagues, scout troops, PTA/PTO groups, churches, and non-profit organizations to raise funds by collecting donations of clothing, linens, and shoes. You'll also be contributing to a more sustainable environment. IT'S EASY! Register your fundraiser, collect donations, and make money! Your organization will get paid for every pound collected!

A NEIGHBORHOOD Clothing Drive offers an opportunity to promote community engagement, contribute to a more sustainable environment, and support youth mentoring statewide. By gathering donations of clothing, linens, and shoes, we can make a BIG impact. The process is simple: all you need are some amazing neighbors, a driveway or front lawn to host the drive, and a dry, safe place to store the donations if the drive extends beyond a day.

*The Donation Center Foundation of Rhode Island is a separate 501(c)3 organization from BBBSRI with the sole purpose of raising funds for non-profit organizations.

For questions about hosting a Clothing Drive, email Donations@BigsRI.org or call 401-921-2434 #2