A BIG Clothing Drive is an easy way for leagues, scout troops, PTA/PTO groups, churches, and non-profit organizations to raise funds by collecting donations of clothing, linens, and shoes. You'll also be contributing to a more sustainable environment. IT'S EASY! Register your fundraiser, collect donations, and make money! Your organization will get paid for every pound collected!
A NEIGHBORHOOD Clothing Drive offers an opportunity to promote community engagement, contribute to a more sustainable environment, and support youth mentoring statewide. By gathering donations of clothing, linens, and shoes, we can make a BIG impact. The process is simple: all you need are some amazing neighbors, a driveway or front lawn to host the drive, and a dry, safe place to store the donations if the drive extends beyond a day.
*The Donation Center Foundation of Rhode Island is a separate 501(c)3 organization from BBBSRI with the sole purpose of raising funds for non-profit organizations.
For questions about hosting a Clothing Drive, email Donations@BigsRI.org or call 401-921-2434 #2